Those rocking little hedgehogs

It all started innocently enough, with a commission for a sweet purple animal as a gift for a four-year-old girl.

I had recently been reminiscing over Alison Uttley’s gorgeous children’s books. She wrote “Little Grey Rabbit” and “Sam Pig”, and her illustrator Margaret Tempest created the sweetest little hedgehogs you’ve ever seen in your life. “Well, I’ll make a sweet little hedgehog” says I.

Well, off I went, and six hours later I had created…

ROD STEWART! In hedgehog form!

David Bowie quickly followed in Rod Stewart’s wake and it soon became very clear that VonWoof hedgehogs may not be so sweet, but they certainly do rock out. And I love them for it!

To buy your very own Bowie or Rod Stewart, visit my Etsy store.

~ by Niccola on July 24, 2009.

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